
LOVECAPADES with Funkielicious (I)


Love is a phenomenal the world we are in is yet to unravel. Experience is the best Teacher but we don’t have to learn from our own experience because some experiences can never be recovered from, like I do tell my sisters I don’t want you guys to learn in a hard way. That brings me to the question why do ladies want to be in a relationship all because she doesn’t want to be ‘left out of train’

I got talking to my neighbour, Tara, over the weekend then I asked her about her bf. She said ‘he is fine, but he flirts around.” I asked her, ‘how did you know’. She said, “cos he tried luring me to sleep with him the last time we met for the first time alone in his house and I had to jet out because I told him is not gonna happen.” With a little rage on her face she said, “but he promised me no sex before marriage since he is a Christian”. Even at that, I had this inclination that he sleeps around, but I still accepted his proposal then.

What amazes me most was she gave her mum his name to pray on…which is so common among Christian ladies. I asked her why did you give your mum his name to pray on when you know he isn’t the kind of man u want to date let alone spend the rest of your life with. She responded “I want to have someone am dating ‘cos I really feel out of place when people are talking about their boo…

That’s a problem that has eaten deep into our society…Ladies  feel out of place when they don’t have a man to call their own and some have this mentality…maybe I’m not beautiful enough…if you found yourself in this category, please check out yourself. Ask yourself these: have I been a good friend? Do I have a sassy dress sense? Am I refined or crude et al.

The fact is this, it takes a friendly person to build a healthy relationship.

We are going to enjoy talking different shades of relationship I come about any day or time with you on this blog and I will like to have your opinion back…cos it takes two to tango.


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